iPhone 16e ワイモバイルで新登場!iPhone 16e ワイモバイルで新登場!

おうち割 光セット(A) おうち割 光セット(A)

*Prices shown include tax unless otherwise specified.
The amount may differ from the invoice amount due to the calculation of consumption tax.

おうちのネットとワイモバイルをセットで利用するだけ!ワイモバイルの月々のご利用料金が毎月ずーーっと割引になります。 おうちのネットとワイモバイルをセットで利用するだけ!ワイモバイルの月々のご利用料金が毎月ずーーっと割引になります。

ひとりあたり 毎月最大1,650円引き ひとりあたり 毎月最大1,650円引き

  • *1 [Example of subscription] For SoftBank Hikari Family, a monthly basic fee of 5,720 yen/month + designated option fee of 550 yen/month and up is required separately (2-year automatic renewal plan: For subscribers who sign up after July 1, 2022, a cancellation fee of 5,720 yen is required to cancel the contract other than the month of the contract expiration month, the month after, or the month after that. For more information, click here.)
  • * Simple 2 S will receive a 1,100 yen discount every month, Simple S/M/L will receive a 1,188 yen discount every month, Smartphone Basic Plan S/M/R/L, Data Basic Plan L, Pocket WiFi® Plan 2 (Basic), Smartphone Plan S, Data Plan L and Pocket WiFi® Plan 2 will receive a 550 yen discount every month, Smartphone Plan M/R will receive a 770 yen discount every month and Smartphone Plan L will receive a 1,100 yen discount every month.
  • * A discount will be applied to the basic usage fees for applicable mobile communication service plans.
  • *There are some services, such as family discount services, where discounts cannot be applied due to overlapping services. Please check here for details.

Benefits for applying for Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)

Even before SoftBank Air / SoftBank Hikari is launched,
Home Discount Hikari Set (A) from the month following your application date
Discounts will be applied (for up to 5 months).

  • * If activation is not completed within five months of application,
    The benefit will no longer be applicable.

Choice of Internet

SoftBank Air

No construction work required, no management company
No need to check with your landlord!
For those who live in rented accommodation,
Recommended for those living alone!

Monthly payment estimate

  • *1 This is the price after applying the "SoftBank Air Minna Otokuwari" discount.
  • - Apply for a new SoftBank Air plan.
  • ・If you sign up for SoftBank Air, you will need to pay a separate fee for the Air Terminal.
  • ・ The "Monthly usage fee" listed above is the amount when you select the Air Terminal installment payment in 36 installments.
  • - Purchase Air Terminal 5 (a connection device exclusively for SoftBank Air) in one lump sum or in installments.
    "SoftBank Air Everyone's Great Discount" cannot be used in conjunction with the "Easy! Start SoftBank Air for 1,980 yen Campaign."
    See details of SoftBank Air Minna Otokuwari

SoftBank Hikari

Ultra-fast and stable service using optical fiber
This is an internet connection service.

Telework and
Online classes are also safe

High speed communication is required
For online games too

Monthly payment estimate

  • *1 This is the amount including the "SoftBank Hikari New Life Support Campaign (1 Gigabit)".
    View Details
  • *2 If you apply for the Home Discount Hikari Set (A), you must sign up for the designated option of 550 yen/month. From the 7th month onwards, the price will be 4,180 yen for apartment buildings and 5,720 yen for detached houses, plus the designated option of 550 yen/month. When the Home Discount Hikari Set (A) is applied. For Simple 2 S/M/L or Simple S/M/L.
  • *3 If the service is used up to the 31st month, with the billing start month being the 1st month.
    If the line installation fee is 31,680 yen, the discount will be 1,320 yen x 24 months, and if the line installation fee is 4,620 yen, the discount will be 1,155 yen x 4 months. If there are no line installation fees, you will not be eligible for this campaign.
  • ● A separate contract administration fee of 3,300 yen is required.
  • ● For SoftBank Hikari 2-year automatic renewal plan. If you cancel your contract in a month other than the month of the contract expiration date, the month after, or the month after that, you will be required to pay the monthly fee before discount according to the contract plan and line type at the time of cancellation. If the contract is concluded on or before June 30, 2022, a cancellation fee of 10,450 yen will be required. Please check here for details. If you cancel the broadband service and the associated optional service within the same month and a cancellation fee is incurred in duplicate, you will be required to pay a maximum cancellation fee of 11,000 yen.
  • ● Even if you apply for a plan for an apartment building, if the building you live in cannot provide optical fiber lines for apartment buildings, we will suggest a plan for a detached house.
  • ● Family 10GB, Apartment 10GB, and Family Lite are excluded.

Line construction costs

Line installation costs are essentially free!
Great deals

The cost of line installation varies depending on the content of your application and whether or not installation is performed by dispatched personnel.

  • *1 If you change your service provider to SoftBank Hikari and move or change your line type at the same time, construction work will be required. For Family 10 Gigabit, even if you are currently using NTT East/West's FLET'S Hikari/other company's Hikari collaboration service, you will be entering into a new contract and construction work will be required to be done in person.
  • *2 If you are not currently using the internet at home, or if you are using a SoftBank mobile data terminal or Y!mobile mobile data terminal, the "SoftBank Hikari Installation Fee Support First Time Discount" will apply. View details
  • *3 The "SoftBank Hikari New Life Support Campaign (1 Gigabit)" applies. Customers who switch from NTT FLET'S Hikari to SoftBank Hikari, customers who change their service provider from another company's Hikari collaboration service to the applicable service, and customers who are currently using the Internet line of a cable TV company that handles cable lines with our company are not eligible. View details
  • *2 *3 If the line installation fee is 31,680 yen, the discount will be 1,320 yen x 24 months, and if the line installation fee is 4,620 yen, the discount will be 1,155 yen x 4 months. If no line installation fee is incurred, the campaign does not apply.

更に快適!脅威的な速さ 更に快適!脅威的な速さ

  • *1 The maximum speed of 10Gbps is the maximum value according to technical standards. Actual speeds may vary depending on the usage environment, line congestion, etc.The area where 10GB is available is limited. Please check the area on the following website before applying.
    "About 10GB service area"
  • *2 Benefits will be provided from the month billing begins.
  • *3 The "non-automatic renewal plan" for SoftBank Hikari (hereinafter referred to as the "eligible service"; some products are excluded) is not eligible for this campaign."SoftBank Hikari Apartment Type" does not offer a 5-year automatic renewal plan.
  • *4 If the line installation fee is 31,680 yen, the discount will be 1,320 yen x 24 months, and if the line installation fee is 4,620 yen, the discount will be 1,155 yen x 4 months. If no line installation fee is incurred, the campaign does not apply.

Exclusive to the official website! Great deals!

  • * Purchase the Air Terminal (dedicated connection device) separately or all at once.
  • *Model changes and rentals are not eligible.

[Official website only] SoftBank Air 5,000 yen cashback festival

  • * [In the case of SoftBank Air] Purchase the Air Terminal (dedicated connection device) in installments or all at once.
  • * [For SoftBank Hikari] Please apply for the 2-year automatic renewal plan or 5-year automatic renewal plan. If you cancel the contract in any month other than the month of the contract expiration date, the following month, or the month after that, you will be required to pay a cancellation fee equivalent to the undiscounted monthly fee according to the contract plan and line type at the time of cancellation. Please check the website for details.
  • *If you apply online, please complete your application within the limited time sale period.
  • *If you apply by phone, be sure to tell the operator that you saw the limited-time sale.

Limited time sale festival only available on the official website! Great cashback campaign!

Ongoing Campaigns

  • * The cashback applies to contract cancellation fees and removal fees incurred when canceling a service from another company, as well as the remaining balance when purchasing connection devices (hereafter referred to as "terminals") required to connect to the Internet via a home router or mobile Wi-Fi router.
  • * The total cashback amount is up to 100,000 yen. However, the cashback amount for the remaining balance of the mobile Wi-Fi router terminal fee is capped at 42,000 yen.
  • * This offer does not apply to customers who use the Internet line of a cable television provider with which we have an affiliated cable line.

SoftBank Safe Transfer Campaign

Recommended optional services

  • * The range and effective speed of a mesh Wi-Fi router's signal will vary greatly depending on the surrounding radio wave conditions, the structure of the home, and other factors.

Mesh Wi-Fi

Worry-free exchange guarantee

Application process

Customers who already use smartphones, tablets, or Pocket WiFi®

New and Transfer (MNP) Customers

Applying for Smartphones, Tablets and Pocket WiFi®

Apply for "SoftBank Air" or "SoftBank Hikari"

Applying by phone
New Customer Reception Center
(Toll free)

Reception hours: 9:00am to 10:00pm

Applying for Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)

  • If you are applying from someone other than the fixed-line service subscriber, you will need to submit a consent form from the fixed-line service subscriber and a document proving that you are a family member of the subscriber.
  • If you apply through My Y!mobile, you will need an "S-ID" for a fixed-line service or a "Yahoo! JAPAN ID."
  • If you apply at a shop, you will need your SoftBank Air or SoftBank Hikari application number (14 digits) or customer ID.

Home Discount Hikari Set (A) Details

Conditions of Application

  • Please apply for this discount at our designated office.
  • Please apply for this discount during the application period.
  • You are an individual customer.
  • You must be currently using or have applied for a mobile communications service with an applicable rate plan.
  • The fixed-line communication service contract must be concluded (connected) within 180 days after application.
  • The customer applying or their family member is a subscriber to the applicable fixed-line communications service and is currently using or applying for the designated option (starting from 550 yen/month).
    • * If a family member applies for this discount, they will need to provide documentation to prove they are a family member of an eligible fixed-line communications service subscriber.
Mobile communication services
(Applicable rate plans)
Fixed-line communication services
(Applicable rate plans)
Simple 2 S/M/L, Simple S/M/L, Smartphone Basic Plan (Type 1), Smartphone Plan (Type 1), Data Plan L, Pocket WiFi Plan 2 SoftBank Hikari Automatic renewal plan *1
  Plan Specified options
  Other than SoftBank Hikari 10GB
If you join
  • ・Hikari BB unit rental
  • ・"Wi-Fi Multi Pack" or "Wi-Fi Digital Terrestrial Pack"
  • ・"White Hikari Phone", "BB Phone" or "Hikari Phone (N) and BB Phone"
  SoftBank Hikari 10GB
If you join
  • ・Hikari BB unit rental
  • ・Wi-Fi Multi Pack *3
  • ・"White Hikari Phone", "BB Phone" or "Hikari Phone (N) and BB Phone"
SoftBank Air
Yahoo! BB Hikari City *2
Simple 2 S/M/L Cable line *4
Hikari de Talk S (cable line) *4 *5
NURO Hikari Telephone (Cable Line) *5 *6
  • *1 Plans without automatic renewal are not eligible.
  • *2 Yahoo! BB Hikari City is a service available only in certain areas.
  • *3 As of October 3, 2023, the Wi-Fi Multi Pack is not available for SoftBank Hikari 10 Giga. Customers who have applied for SoftBank Hikari 10 Giga will not be required to subscribe to the Wi-Fi Multi Pack in order to receive this discount until the Wi-Fi Multi Pack is available.
  • *4 For information on providers eligible for this discount, please check the "Affiliated Cable TV Providers" section on our website.
    URL: https://www.softbank.jp/biz/nw/isp/cableline/cabletv/
  • *5 Hikari de Talk S is provided by TOKAI Cable Network Co., Ltd., and NURO Hikari Denwa is provided by Sony Network Communications.
    This is a service provided by Co., Ltd. in collaboration with our company.
  • *6 This applies when Sony Network Communications Inc. receives a direct application from the customer and provides the service.
    This does not apply if Sony Network Communications Inc. receives an application from an FVNO optical fiber wholesaler and then provides the service, or if the company has partnered with another company and changed the brand name or product name, even if the company receives an application directly from the customer.


  • Discounts will be applied to the basic usage fees for applicable mobile communication service plans.
  • The completion of your fixed-line service contract will be confirmed during the contract confirmation period on the 1st or 2nd of each month starting from the month following the month following your application for the Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A).
  • The discount will be applied to the usage for the month in which the applicable conditions have been confirmed.
    However, if you cancel your mobile line by the contract confirmation date (the 2nd of each month), the discount cannot be applied because the applicable conditions are not met. Also, if you cancel and re-apply for the Uchiwari Hikari Set (A) during the contract confirmation period, the contract will be confirmed from the month following your re-application.
  • The following discounts and campaigns cannot be applied in conjunction with each other.
    • Benefits for applying for Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)
    • Hikari discount
    • Family Discount Service
    • Wi-Fi Set Discount
    • Tablet discount (for start campaign)
  • If any of the following conditions apply, the discount will cease to apply for the month in which the following conditions are confirmed.
    • If you cancel your mobile communication service
    • If you change your mobile communications service line to an ineligible rate plan
    • If it is confirmed that the applicable conditions are not met due to changes, cancellations, transfers, etc. of the applicable fixed-line communication service or designated options
  • If any of the following conditions are met, the discount will cease to apply on the day that the following conditions are confirmed.
    • When a mobile communication service line is transferred
  • If the following conditions apply, your application for the "Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)" will be canceled once the following conditions are confirmed.
    • If 180 days have passed since you applied for a fixed-line service and the contract has not been concluded (service has not been activated) or you have not subscribed to the specified option

< SoftBank Hikari discount benefits>

Customers who have applied for the "Home Discount Hikari Set (A)" will be offered selected options at a package rate (starting from 550 yen/month).

Please refer to the terms and conditions for details.


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Applying for Y!mobile


Y!mobile Online Store

Once completed, please apply for your home internet connection.

In store

Find your nearest Y!mobile store

At the Y!mobile shop,
You can apply for "Y!mobile" and "Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)" at the same time.

For customers who have already applied for "Ouchi no Net",
Please bring your "SoftBank Air" or "SoftBank Hikari" application number (14 digits) or customer ID.

I have already applied for "Home Internet"
Those considering Y!mobile

Apply the Home Discount Hikari Set (A)
Apply via online store


Applying for Home Internet


You can also apply for the Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A) at the same time.

By phone or in store

New Customer Reception Center 0120-981-211​ ​0120-981-211

Toll free
Reception hours: 9:00am to 10:00pm

Find your nearest Y!mobile store


For customers who use both "Y!mobile" and "Ouchi no Net"
My Y!mobile You can apply for the "Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)" from "Ouchiwari Hikari Set (A)".

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