1. ホーム
  2. 保証/仕様/お問い合わせ先
  3. 本製品の比吸収率(SAR)について



この機種【らくらくスマートフォンa (A401FC)】の携帯電話機は、国が定めた電波の人体吸収に関する技術基準および国際ガイドラインに適合しています。


国の技術基準および国際ガイドラインは電波防護の許容値を人体に吸収される電波の平均エネルギー量を表す比吸収率(SAR:Specific Absorption Rate)で定めており、携帯電話機に対するSARの許容値は2.0W/kgです。この携帯電話機の側頭部におけるSARの最大値は1.205W/kg※2、身体に装着した場合のSARの最大値は0.823W/kg※2です。個々の製品によってSARに多少の差異が生じることもありますが、いずれも許容値を満たしています。







※1 技術基準については、電波法関連省令(無線設備規則第14条の2)に規定されています。
※2 携帯電話サービスと同時に使用可能な無線機能を含みます。


この携帯電話機【らくらくスマートフォンa (A401FC)】は無線送受信機器です。本携帯電話機は国際的ガイドラインが定める電波の許容値を超えないことが確認されています。このガイドラインは、独立した科学機関である国際非電離放射線防護委員会(ICNIRP)が策定したものであり、その許容値は、使用者の年齢や健康状態にかかわらず十分に安全な値となっています。携帯電話機から送出される電波の人体に対する影響は、比吸収率(SAR: Specific Absorption Rate)という単位を用いて測定します。携帯電話機におけるSARの許容値は2W/kgで、本携帯電話機の側頭部におけるSARの最大値は0.964W/kg、アクセサリ等により人体より0.5センチ以上離して、その間に金属(部分)が含まれないようにして使用する場合のSARの最大値は0.755W/kgです。

この携帯電話機【らくらくスマートフォンa (A401FC)】は、EU指令2014/53/EUに適合しています。詳しくは下記メーカーホームページをご参照ください:

※1 本適合宣言書は英語が正文です。日本語は参考のために記載しています。


この携帯電話機【らくらくスマートフォンa (A401FC)】は無線送受信機器です。この携帯電話機は米国連邦通信委員会(FCC)によって要件として定められた許容値以下となるように設計及び製造されています。この許容値は独立した科学機関が定期的かつ周到に科学的研究を行った結果策定された基準に基づいています。この基準は使用者の年齢や健康状態にかかわらず十分に安全な値となっています。

携帯電話機から送出される電波の人体に対する影響は、比吸収率(SAR: Specific Absorption Rate)という単位を用いて測定します。FCCで定められているSARの許容値は、1.6 W/kgとなっています。



FCCは報告されたすべてのSARレベルが電波ばく露要件に準拠していることを確認し、この携帯電話機の認証を付与しています。この携帯電話機に関して提出されたSAR情報は、FCC ID検索ウェブページでFCC ID 2BEPUFMP198を検索することで見つけることができます: https://www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid


FCC Radio Frequency Safety(英文のみ)

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Information of This Product (for Japan)

This mobile phone [Raku-Raku smartphone a (A401FC)] complies with the Japanese technical regulations and international guidelines regarding exposure to radio waves.

This mobile phone was designed in observance of the Japanese technical regulations regarding exposure to radio waves *1 and the limits of exposure recommended in the international guidelines, which are equivalent to each other. The international guidelines were set out by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the permissible limits include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health conditions.

The technical regulations and the international guidelines set out the limits of exposure to radio waves as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, which is the value of absorbed energy in any 10 grams of human tissue over a 6-minute period. The SAR limit for mobile phones is 2.0 W/kg. The highest SAR value for this mobile phone when tested for use near the head is 1.205 W/kg *2, and that when worn on the body is 0.823 W/kg *2. There may be slight differences of the SAR values in individual product, but they all satisfy the limit.

The actual value of SAR of this mobile phone while operating can be well below the indicated above. This is due to automatic changes in the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum power required to access the network.

This mobile phone can be used at positions other than against your head. By using accessories such as a belt clip holster that maintains a 1.5 cm separation with no metal (parts) between it and the body, this mobile phone is certified the compliance with the Japanese technical regulations.

The World Health Organization has stated that "a large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use."

Please refer to the WHO website if you would like more detailed information.

Please refer to the websites listed below if you would like more detailed information regarding SAR.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Website:

Association of Radio Industries and Businesses Website:
https://www.arib-emf.org/01denpa/denpa02-02.html (in Japanese only)

*1 The technical regulations are provided in Article 14-2 of the Radio Equipment Regulations, a Ministerial Ordinance of the Radio Act.

*2 Including other radio systems that can be simultaneously used with 5G/LTE.

European RF Exposure Information

This mobile phone [Raku-Raku smartphone a (A401FC)] is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by the international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health conditions. The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile phones is 2.0 W/kg. The highest SAR value for this mobile phone when tested for use near head is 0.964 W/kg, and that when worn on the body at the separation distance of 0.5 cm from the body is 0.755 W/kg *1. For electronic safety, maintain the separation distance with accessories containing no metal, that position handset a minimum of the above distance. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with the guidelines.

*1 The tests are carried out in accordance with the international guidelines for testing.

Simplified Declaration of Conformity for [Raku-Raku smartphone a (A401FC)]

Hereby, FCNT LLC declares that the radio equipment type [Raku-Raku smartphone a (A401FC)] is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:

CE RF Power Table

Radio type (Description) Transmitter Frequency / Maximum Power
GSM (GSM900) 880-915MHz / 33.0dBm
GSM (DCS1800) 1710-1785MHz / 30.5dBm
UMTS (FDD I) 1920-1980MHz / 25.0dBm
UMTS (FDD VIII) 880-915MHz / 24.5dBm
LTE (FDD 1) 1920-1980MHz / 25.0dBm
LTE (FDD 3) 1710-1785MHz / 25.0dBm
LTE (FDD 8) 880-915MHz / 24.5dBm
LTE (FDD 28) 703-748MHz / 24.5dBm
LTE (TDD 41) 2496-2690MHz / 24.0dBm
LTE (TDD 42) 3400-3600MHz / 24.5dBm
NR (n3) 1710-1785MHz / 24.5dBm
NR (n28) 703-748MHz / 24.5dBm
NR (n41) 2496-2690MHz / 23.5dBm
NR (n77) 3300-4200MHz / 25.0dBm
NR (n78) 3300-3800MHz / 25.0dBm
WLAN 2.4GHz (WLAN 2.4GHz) 2400-2483.5MHz / 9.44dBm (EIRP)
WLAN 5GHz (WLAN 5G Band 1) 5150-5250MHz / 8.66dBm (EIRP)
WLAN 5GHz (WLAN 5G Band 2) 5250-5350MHz / 9.21dBm (EIRP)
WLAN 5GHz (WLAN 5G Band 3) 5470-5725MHz / 9.47dBm (EIRP)
WLAN 5GHz (WLAN 5G Band 4) 5725-5850MHz / 9.18dBm (EIRP)
Bluetooth (Bluetooth) 2400-2483.5MHz / 10.61dBm (EIRP)
RFID (RFID) 13.56MHz / -20.92dBμA/m at 10m

SAR distance Warning: The device could be used with a separation distance of 0.5cm to be human body.

FCC RF Exposure Information

This mobile phone [Raku-Raku smartphone a (A401FC)] is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limit for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The limit is based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health conditions.
The exposure standard for mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.
The tests are performed in positions and locations as required by the FCC. The highest SAR value for this handset when tested for use near the head is 0.28 W/kg, and that when worn on the body as shown below is 0.93 W/kg.

Body-worn Operation: This mobile phone was tested for typical body-worn operations with the separation distance of 0.5 cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain the above separation distance between the user's body and the mobile phone. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with the FCC RF exposure requirements and should be avoided.

The FCC has granted an equipment authorization for this mobile phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure requirements. Filed SAR information of this mobile phone can be found by searching FCC ID 2BEPUFMP198 in the FCC ID Search webpage: https://www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid.

Additional information on SAR can be found on the FCC website at https://www.fcc.gov/general/radio-frequency-safety-0.