iPhone 16e ワイモバイルで新登場!iPhone 16e ワイモバイルで新登場!

Regarding old kanji characters that cannot be applied for through the trade-in program

When applying for the trade-in program at the online store, you will need to verify your identity when you receive the device delivery kit in accordance with the Secondhand Goods Dealings Act. If you are unable to receive the identity verification due to any of the following reasons, you will not be able to apply for the trade-in program at the online store.
Please apply for a separate trade-in program at a store that offers in-store collection service within 14 days of signing the contract online.

Those who do not have a photo ID
・Those whose name on their identity documents uses old kanji characters (see list below)

List of major old kanji (example)

纊褜鍈銈蓜俉炻昱棈鋹曻彅丨仡仼伀伃伹佖伒侊侚侔俍偀倢俿倞偆偰 偂 傔 僴 僘 兊 兤 冝冾凬刕劜劦勀力匀匇匤卲厓厲叝﨎咜咊咩哿喆坙坥垬埈埇 﨏 增 墲 夋奓 奛 奝奣妤妺妺孖寀甯寘寬尞岦岺峵崧嵓﨑嵂嵭嶸嶹巐弡弴彧德忞恝悅悊惞惕愠惲愑愷愰憘戓抦揵摠戝擎敎昀昕昻昉昮昮昞昤晥晗晙Clear day汜沆汯泚怇涇浯涖汬淏淸淲淼渹湜渧渼溿溈汵濵濵瀅瀇瀨炅炫焏焄焜煆 煇 凞燁燇犱犁猤猪猷玽珉珖珣珒琇珵琦琪琩琮瑢璉璟甁畯灂翜珞盛磦 畵睆 劯 硎 硎 硤 纺 礰 Rei God Shang 禔 福 禛 竑 竧 靖 竫 箞 纞 纈纵 纷 纠 纖 繒 罇 睡 茁 荢 荿 菇趶 舴 荴蕙 蕫 﨟 薰 蘒 﨡 萇 裵 訷 詹 誧 誾 諟 諶 譓 譿 賰 赴 贒 赶 﨣 軏 﨤 ITS 遧 郞 都 鄕Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Teng iron, iron, iron 﨨 錞 鋿 錝 錂 鍰 鍗 鎤 鏆 鏞 鏸 鐱 鑅 鑈 閒 隆 﨩 隝 隯 霳 霻 靃 靍 靏 靑 靕 顗 顥 飯 飼馧 館 馞 驎 Taka 髜 魵 魲 鯏 鵱 鰻 鹀 鵰 鵫 鵫 鵙 黑 𠮷 辻󠄀 馊 覀

User Guide Menu List

Before you apply

After application

  • *Currently, the iPhone service "Bring-in Device Warranty with AppleCare Services" is not available through My Y!mobile. Please apply at the store when you sign up for the SIM/eSIM contract.
  • * You can apply for the "Bring Your Own Device Warranty" for those who use tablets, including Android/iPad.



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